History of BHTPA
Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority has been established under the ‘Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority Act-2010’ with the objective of creating an investment-friendly environment and creating employment through the development and growth of high-tech industries in the country.
Since its inception, the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority has been working for socio-economic development by establishing Hi-Tech Parks / Software Technology Parks / IT Training and Incubation Centers in different parts of the country to ensure employment of the country’s huge youth and create skilled human resources.

According to the administrative structure, the managing director of the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority is the chief executive officer. There is an Executive Committee chaired by the Minister / Minister of State for Information and Communication Technology and a Board of Governors (BOG) chaired by the Hon’ble Prime Minister to oversee and guide the activities of the organization. The head office of Bangladesh HiTech Park Authority is located on the 10th floor of ICT Tower, Agargaon, Dhaka. Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority has set up 28 (eighty) Hi-Tech Parks (HTP) / Software Technology Parks (STP) / IT Training and Incubation Centers across the country. The construction work of 4 (four) parks has already been completed and business activities are going on. Construction work on the remaining parks is underway.
Functions of BHTPA
The main responsibility of the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority is to bring economic prosperity to the country through development of appropriate investment infrastructure and skilled human resources to increase investment and employment in the IT / ITES sector. In a nutshell the functions of the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority can be identified as follows:
- Plan and Implementation of the strategies to create investment infrastructure in Bangladesh.
- Proper operation and management of the Hi-Tech Parks established by Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority across the country.
- Attract FDI and ensure a world class investment environment in the Hi-Tech / software technology parks located across the country.
- Human resource development to ensure IT skilled resources to lead the Hi-tech and software technology sector.
- Encouraging development of private STP.
- Formulating rules, regulation, guidelines and various fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for investors in the hi-tech sector and hi-tech and software technology parks in the country.
- Developing innovation ecosystems and infrastructures to support start-up concepts and companies nationwide.
- Implementing the decisions of the Board of Governors, Executive Committee, Digital Task Force and other national committees relating to hi-tech and software technology parks under Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority.
Important Achievements
Since its inception, the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority has been working for socio-economic development by establishing Hi-Tech Parks / Software Technology Parks / IT Training and Incubation Centers in different parts of the country to ensure employment of the country’s huge youth and create skilled human resources.
- Construction of IT Incubator & training centre, Rajshahi is completed
- The Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority won the WITSA GLOBAL ICT EXCELLENCE AWARDS-2019 Award for its significant contribution to the implementation of Digital Bangladesh and the construction of high-tech park infrastructure. This is a very important and respected international recognition in the implementation of Digital Bangladesh and the development of the ICT sector.
- As of June 2020, more than 13,000 people have been directly employed in various parks.
- As of June 2020, about 16,000 people have been trained in various IT disciplines.
- 80 IT/ITES companies have been supported to get Company Certification. Certification activities of 15 companies are in progress.
- By June 2020, about 13.15 lakh square feet of space has been built and about 5.41 lakh square feet of space has been allocated for business purposes. Space / land has been allotted to 110 companies in Hi-Tech Park and Software Park.
- By 2025, the investment of these companies is around Tk 2,400 crore. About Tk 327 crore has been invested in the parks till 2020. The revenue from the parks has been around Tk 24.15 crore till 2020.
- In Hi-Tech City allotted 25 acres of land with 1.65 lakh square feet of ready space to Oryx Bio-Tech Ltd. which was the first Bio-Tech company in the country.
- Allocation of land and space to 20 companies in Hi-Tech City have been completed.
- Allocation of 10,200 sq ft ready space to the 07 companies in Sheikh Kamal IT and Incubator and Training Centre, Rajshahi.
- Allocations of 4000 sq ft of ready space have been done to 02 companies and 12 acres of land to 3 other institutions in Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet.
- Under the One Stop Service Act, 148 types of services are provided to domestic and foreign investors and 10 of these services are now being provided through an online based system. So far over 250 services have been provided to the stakeholders through the online portal.
- Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority has also been certified International ISO 9001: 2015 considering the achievements and success. This testimony serves Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority’s service standard that is maintaining international standards in providing in every aspect of the service. As a result, more and more domestic and foreign investors are being attracted to invest in various parks located around the country.
- High-tech specialized computer labs have been set up in 26 public and private universities to create opportunities for research and innovation at the university level and to make themselves proficient in the wake of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
- So far, more than 100 start-ups have been provided with a 1 (One) year incubation facility. 1 (One) year incubation facility is being provided in different parks. One floor in each park is being provided free of charge for start-ups.
Achieving WITSA 2019 International Award
The largest conference on information technology World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) 2019 held in October 2019 in Yerevan, Armenia. Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority was nominated by the selection committee for the WITSA Unveiling of the name plate of ‘Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Hi-Tech Park, Sylhet’ 2019 Chairman Award category for its significant contribution to the implementation of Digital Bangladesh and the construction of high-tech park infrastructure as WITSA recognizes that Bangladesh will gain significant development in the ICT sector in the world and Hi-Tech parks will stimulate the transformation in coming years. A six-member delegation participated in the conference.

International Recognition (ISO Certified)
Considering the achievements and success of Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority, it has been certified International ISO 9001: 2015 on 25.02.2019. Certification has been updated again in the current financial year (2019-20).
As the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority is maintaining international standards in providing all works and services, domestic and foreign investors are being attracted to invest in various parks.
Digital Bangladesh Award-2018
Bangladesh High-Tech Park Authority has been awarded Digital Bangladesh Award in 2018 for its outstanding contribution to the development of hi-tech information and communication technology, development of human resources, employment opportunities and attracting domestic and foreign investors.