Why Bangladesh
- Fastest-growing Economy
- Connecting By Markets
- Young and Energetic Workforce
- Building Empowering Infrastructure
Regional consumers
Mobile user
User have internet access
ICT Division
ICT workforce
Our Facilities
Hi-Tech Parks
Hi-Tech Parks have the best facilities to establish factories.
Software Technology Parks
STPs are the best suitable for establishing software firms.
IT Incubation Centers
IT Incubation Centers are for developing human resources and monitoring venture developments.
BHTPA has a wide range of projects with investment opportunities.
BHTPA creates employment opportunities to enhance economic growth.
BHTPA provides full support to create opportunities for start-ups to grow.
Investor Zone
Currently the world’s 7th most populated country, Bangladesh’s stable growth has raised tens of millions to middle class and affluence (MAC) status. Besides being the location for a booming domestic market, Bangladesh is also strategic hub linking India, China and the ASEAN countries.
Bangladesh is powered by a rising young population. Young Bangladeshis are fuelling a sharp rise in the labor force and supporting industrialization and consumption.
Areas of Investment
Software Technology
Renewable Energy
Green Technology
Hardware Manufacturing
Hi-Tech Electronics
Liberal Policies for Investors
Vision 2021 was launched to transform Bangladesh into a country of the digital economy by 2021 and a knowledge-based economy by 2041.
Competitive Labor Cost
BHTPA is establishing Hi-Tech Parks and Software Technology Park industries for creation, management, operation and development.
Bangladesh's entrepreneurship friendly policies made it heaven for startup culture, which is going to develop a culture of digital adoptions.
One Stop Services (OSS)
One Stop Service Platform (OSSP) is an automated process re-engineering service that maintains enhanced security, privacy as well as audit logs. It is an incredibly useful framework that introduces various latest features with extra layers of security and reliability.

Act, Rule & Guideline

National Integrity Strategy (NIS)

Citizen's Chartery

Annual Performance Agreement

Grievance Redress System

Right of Information

Innovative Activities

Report and Publication

Procurement Plan & Budget
Training Centre Management System (TCMS) is a web-based software to aid Training Centre Administrative Management Needs. The TCMS is capable of managing Enquiry Details, Payment Details, Student Details, Faculty Details etc. with high efficiency and easy and user-friendly manner.It also provides detailed and accurate report for managing the Training Centre.

Recent News

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Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority has been established under the ‘Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority Act-2010’ with the objective of creating an investment-friendly environment and creating employment through the development and growth of high-tech industries in the country. Since its inception, the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority has been working for socio-economic development by establishing Hi-Tech Parks / Software Technology Parks / IT Training and Incubation Centers in different parts of the country to ensure employment of the country’s huge youth and create skilled human resources.